Patagonian memories (6) Quilquihue river, Brown trout in the net


This photo is from the last century.
More precisely from about 1986.
I am holding the first catch of that day.
It was taken at the beginning of the season (November) on the Quilquihue river in a section that runs right next to the San Martín de los Andes «Chapelco» airport in the Patagonian province of Neuquèn.
I remember that we asked the airport manager for permission to walk across the landing track and access the river.
At that time there were very few flights, so there were no problems letting us through.
At that time, the Quilquihue offered a spectacular population of brown trout and its fishing was very productive.
An extraordinary river that I visited several times.

4 pensamientos en “Patagonian memories (6) Quilquihue river, Brown trout in the net

  1. Bob,
    San Martin de los Andes has changed a lot since those years, there are places in the world where changes are for the better, personally I don’t think this is the case in our beloved Patagonia.


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